For our UENI Plus and Reputation plan customers, there are a variety of themes available for your business, and we’re here to help find the one that works best for you. Today, we’re taking a look at the Natural Theme, which you can find in the Editor under Theme.
All About The Images
The Natural Theme is perfect for making a striking first impression! It’s perfect for visually-oriented businesses, or anyone who wants to highlight good quality images. The portfolio-style gallery makes it ideal for Artists, Photographers, Estate Agents or Restaurants, while the bigger image space for services and testimonials could be perfect to show off a finished project like a piece of clothing, artwork, or a remodelled room.
If your business is more text-oriented, don’t fret! The theme is designed to allow for very detailed content blocks, ensuring a professional look as well as allowing you a better opportunity to express yourself.
This theme is for you if:
- You have a lot of great images
- Your page has a lot of items listed in Price List
- You want to showcase longer text in a professional way
Consider another theme if:
- You want to show off your custom amenities
- You offer a wide variety of services
- You don’t want to use the Contact Form on your page
The biggest draw of the Natural Theme is the large portfolio gallery, and the ample space for any amount of text that still keeps a professional look. If you have a lot of great images that you want to use for your website – this theme is perfect for you.
Checking Out: The Gallery

The Natural Gallery allows you to show many images at the same time in an eye-catching way, making it the perfect space for showcasing your business.
Please note that landscape images work typically better for the gallery, while vertical images may show up cropped, focusing on the center part of your image. If you have great vertical images don’t worry, just simply organize the order of your gallery to put the landscape images first, as only the first 10 images are shown in the portfolio view.
Appealing Testimonials
Because this theme is very image-oriented, we provided more space for testimonial images – if your clients have great photos to go along with their reviews, this theme will allow you to show them off!
Don’t worry if you don’t have good quality headshot images, you could also use this section to highlight a product or service that made your customer happy. It’s a great opportunity to display an artistic piece you’ve made, as well!
Impressive Service Images
The Natural theme provides larger images for your services on the main page. Please note that vertical images will appear cropped showing the middle part of your image only. The whole service image will show on the second page.
The Largest Logo
We provide a bigger space for the logo, which can be enlarged further by placing your mouse over it, so if you’ve got a really great logo for your business, the Natural Theme will do the best job showing it off.
Detailed Text, Easy Presentation
If you’re looking to add longer text to your page, like a full article, but don’t want to overload your main page with a lot of scroll, this theme is a great option.
Each Content Block has its own separate page, so you can express yourself at length while keeping the main page looking great. Your main page will only display a preview of the full text (up to 314 characters). By default, only two content blocks will show on the page, but the rest can easily be accessed by clicking on the Show More button.
These sections are also immediately accessible to booking and social media – each individual page features ways for your customers to share or contact you.
If you want to highlight your services with descriptions on your main page, you want the Natural Theme. If you’ve got really great stories or catchy slogans, you can show them off here.
Price Lists:
For businesses with a large number of offerings, like a restaurant, the price list on the Natural theme is outstanding. While each section of your price list will only show four items by default, once your customer clicks on Show All they can easily see every item, without opening a separate page. This field is ideal for menus or for shops with many products.
Some Things To Watch Out For
While the Natural Theme has a lot of amazing elements, there are some things that our other themes are better suited for.
Custom Amenities
With the Natural Theme, The Amenities section became bigger and more visual, including flags for each spoken language: lending an element of class to your page.
However, please note that if you want to add custom amenities, you will have to keep them lower than 24 characters – otherwise, your text will appear cropped on the page. This 24 character limit is in place regardless of the language, so this can be particularly difficult if you want to add things in a language like Spanish or Portuguese.
Be careful using many Service Groups
When you use more than one service, product or price list group, you can easily move from one group to another by clicking on the next service group’s name (or the arrow on mobile devices).
This is a great way of separating services/prices, however, we don’t recommend using too many service groups, as there’s no visual indication for how many groups there are. If your customers want to see an item/service from the last set of services, they will need to click through the whole list of service groups, which may be tiring for them.
So, unless you’ve got an extensive menu – where customers will expect to do a lot of browsing – be careful not to overwhelm. Instead, we suggest using fewer service or product groups with more items within each one.
Note: please be careful about using long titles for the service/price groups as these can easily overlap. We recommend using up to 30 characters per service group title.
Don’t Get Rid of Your Contact Form
One of the advantages of the Natural theme is that both your contact form and location are present across the entire page, so whether people are reading a full content block or exploring your products, they can easily access it.
The downside is that turning off your Contact Form in the Editor will result in a large blank space next to your Contact Us section, as you can see above.
Instead of turning this element off, simply erase any of the information you don’t want to be included. This will help preserve the sleek look of your page.
Explore The Natural Theme
As you can see, the Natural Theme is a powerful option for many different types of business, and there are many different things you can do with it. That’s why we’ve created a few different example pages using it for you to explore. You can use these pages to get an idea of how you could format your business, and check out the colour themes at the same time.
Craft Store
Businesses like Craft Stores are great candidates for the Natural theme, because a big part of their appeal comes from the amazing things that they create. They’re so visually striking the absence of a mapped location is barely noticeable.
Fast Food Restaurant
A great example of the way Promotions and strong images can work together to create a very appealing business website, our Fast Food Restaurant shows off mouth-watering photos as well as a Menu-styled pricelist that’s easy to navigate and displays the ingredients and prices prominently.
This Hairdresser example website is all about the power of the picture: from the Services to the stylised Testimonials and action shots in the About Us Section, our Hairdresser is serving you images that will make you want to book, plus an aesthetically suitable Opening Hours display.
Builders & Contractors
When people think of Builders & Contractors, they don’t typically jump to great images, but few things are more impressive to potential customers than top-notch photos that show off finished jobs. Make sure to check out the Services section: it’s a great way to keep all the projects you can accomplish organised.
Want to advertise your writing services? Put a portfolio of written content on your page for prospective clients or publishers? With some smart photos and some clever thinking – testimonials work great for Book reviews, for instance – the Natural theme can be great for creatives of all styles.