Free Consultation

We offer a free consultation to go over your next organizing project.

About Me

Exceptional Organizing Services

911 Organizing offers professional organizing services for residential and commercial spaces. Whether you just need some guidance, space planning or someone to take full charge we are here for you. We offer a free consultation that can be done in person, by phone, text, email or Skype. Give us a call or send a text today at 661-380-2440.

Our Goal is Client Satisfaction

Here at 911 Organizing we understand the importance of organization. We realize the process can be a very personal and sometimes difficult for some and we take client confidentiality very seriously, while offering support along the way. We pride ourselves in exceeding our clients expectations while creating a space that is organized yet functional according to your lifestyle. 

Contributing to your satisfaction by working closely

We value your satisfaction, and are commited to working closely with you throughout the organization process. Our goal is to implement a plan, together with you, to achieve your expectations. We offer flexible scheduling to fit your families needs. 


Free consultation
By appointment only
24/7 availability
Virtual Organizing Available
Spoken languages:

Payment Policies

Booking Deposit


All appointments are scheduled in 2 hour increments with a 2 hour minimum. A $50.00 deposit is required at the time of booking. Deposit will be applied to your account and credited on your invoice at completion of the project. 

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