Tensions mounting for entrepreneurs across the UK, USA and Spain amidst virus outbreak

UENI’s study provides a look at small businesses across some of the nations threatened by COVID-19 this March. As bars, cafes, theatres and shops across the globe close their doors for the foreseeable future, many business owners have been left wondering what the future holds for their companies. With the outbreak of COVID-19 looking unlikely […]
As coronavirus spreads, 52.77% of American small businesses fear for the future

UENI’s latest survey illustrates the feelings of small businesses in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic across the USA. On the 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus outbreak a ‘pandemic’. As the situation continues to unfold across the globe, attention has turned to the personal, medical and economic consequences of […]
Do women in the American business world fare better than those in the UK?

Recent reports by UENI highlight the contrasting levels of opportunity female entrepreneurs face in the UK and USA. Here at UENI, in honour of the upcoming International Women’s Day 2020, we have been turning our attention to the current representation of women in business across the globe. Our most recent inquiry into the American entrepreneurial […]
American women make up 45% of the entrepreneurial landscape in 2020

New report published ahead of this year’s International Women’s Day explores women’s changing role in the American entrepreneurial landscape. This month, UENI has launched a country-wide study revisiting the state of female entrepreneurship in 2020. The last 50 years have undoubtedly seen a revolution when it comes to women in business. From Oprah, to Martha […]
UENI’s 2020 Report on Gender and Small Business

It’s no secret that the United Kingdom has long been regarded as fertile ground for those looking to start a new business. According to recent reports, London is widely considered one of the most desirable places in Europe to startup. Thanks to its appealing location, community spirit and concentration of capital, the iconic city continues […]