A few months ago, we let you know about some improvements we made to our booking and message system on your UENI HUB. Now we’ve done even more work, and we’re happy to share the results with you today.
What’s new? We’ve updated our booking notification system and introduced calendar events to make the process more useful and more user-friendly, too. We know easy booking is an essential part of running a business, so we wanted to give you an efficient, automated way to set up appointments.
For a video of the whole process, have a look below:
What’s Different: Booking Notifications?
How Booking Used to Work:
When customers booked an appointment with a UENI website on the previous system, they would get a notification that said: “Your booking request has been successfully sent. We will get back to you shortly to confirm your booking”.
On the business side, you would get a booking notification on your Hub plus a confirmation email with the booking details. So it was up to you to manage your own calendar.
Now the process is a little bit easier to track for businesses, and you can now book calendar events directly into whatever planner you use.
How Booking Work Now:
The new booking confirmation still starts with a booking request on your website.
Now, instead of getting an easily discarded email, all of your booking notifications will appear in your Hub in the My Customers section, which covers bookings, messages, and orders:

Of course, we know that email notifications are valuable, so you still get the booking request that you receive by email and it also includes the option to view the booking and confirm it:

Once you’re viewing the booking in the HUB you’ll be able to confirm (or discard) the booking as well as reply to your customer (for example: “Make sure to arrive 15 minutes early for prep!”)

After you confirm the booking, the customer will receive an email with a confirmation message and you will both receive invites for an attached calendar event.
New Functionality: Calendar Events
These calendar events can be included in any calendar application, as well as Gmail/Google Calendar for Android and Google phones. This allows you and the customer to keep track of the booking automatically, as it will be entered into your calendar or diary with the email.
You can see what the email for the client looks like here:

While the business’s calendar notification looks like this:

And that’s it!
If there is an issue with your booking notification, you’ll receive a message to contact our Customer Success team via help@ueni.com.
Maintaining Your Bookings
After a while, your My Customers section can start to get a little crowded with all these old booking notifications that you may no longer need.
To help keep things organized, there’s a very easy way to delete old or canceled bookings through My Customers:
1) Select the bookings you wish to delete
2) Go to the top right of the window, click the drop-down menu, and select delete

Hopefully, this new system makes life easier for you and your customers, please get in touch with us if you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns about our new system.