Getting The Most Out of Your Products



When you sign up for a UENI page, you’ve got a fully-featured product marketplace at your fingertips. For many businesses, products are the cornerstone of their existence – a beer shop sells beer, a shoe shop sells shoes, and so forth.

That’s why our platform is designed to help you sell your products! Each product listing prominently features everything you need to make each listing as attractive to customers as possible: great photos, excellent descriptions, comprehensive pricing and (most importantly) the ability to buy the products.

For our Starter Plan customers, this means you can add Buy Now buttons to each of your products, with a payment gateway handled by Paypal so your customers know that their payment is safe and secure.

On our Premium plans, we have enabled a Shopping Cart to give your customers the eCommerce experience they’re used to. You can learn more about the Shopping Cart by reading this article.

What Kinds of Products Can You Sell on UENI?

As you might expect, you can sell any sort of product you’d like on UENI – provided it’s legal – but there are two main categories that should be handled a little bit differently. These are Physical Products and Digital Products.

Physical Products are pretty straightforward – things that you sell on your site and you either ship to your customer or arrange a pickup after they pay. Everything from spices to shirts, kitchen supplies and gardening tools fall under this category.

Digital Products would fall under the banner of things like music (scores or instrumentals), graphic design work like a custom logo, or eBooks and other items that you can offer for sale. In this case, the transaction is still the same – however when a customer purchases one of these products from you, the product is “shipped” to the customer digitally, usually over email attachment or by using a third-party file hosting service.

How You Should Present Your Products

To give your products the best shot at selling, you’ll need to make sure you have four things 100% perfect on each of your product pages:

Product Name ▼

Anyone who has spent any time learning about Google knows that keywords are the name of the game. The difference between having the correct name on your product and one that’s not quite as accurate can literally be the difference between showing up on a search and not.

If you’re a clothing store, creating one product listing called “shirts” is never going to be as effective as creating individual products with names that accurately reflect what each item is. Keep that in mind: you want people who are looking for exactly what you’re selling, so you should name your products with that in mind. So, instead of “shirts” we want to see “Blue Crew Neck Tees” or “Plain White Single Pocket Shirt.”

The Price ▼

This might sound rudimentary, but you’d be surprised at how often people leave this out of when they’re listing their products. Nearly half of all customers searching for local business information expect to see prices, so it’s a very good idea to take a minute to add pricing information for every product listed on your website.

A Great Description ▼

Remember: if you don’t think you would buy your product based on the description on your page, why would one of your customers?

Just like with the Product Name, the Product Description is a great place to add in your keywords — Google will use everything available in this section to determine whether your product matches up with one of your customer’s searches.

That doesn’t mean you should go overboard with keyword stuffing, though. Search engines are looking for two things: the right keywords to give the user what they’re looking for and a great page for them to land on. Nothing turns people off faster than descriptions that don’t do a good job of describing the product, no matter how many search terms you use or keywords you add.

Photos ▼

Product Photos can be quite tricky to get right, but they’re incredibly important. In fact, they’re one of the biggest things people consider when deciding to make a purchase from a website.

But don’t worry! You don’t need to break the bank by hiring an expensive photographer or buying a deluxe camera in order to give your products the photos that they deserve. With a bit of ingenuity and a little know-how, you can get great photos for very little! Want to learn more? Check out our guide to product photography on a budget.

Some Amazing Products by UENI Clients

Talking about great products in the abstract is all well and good, but we know there’s nothing better than actually getting to see some really well done product listings that are on UENI-powered pages.

So, without further ado, here are a few websites you should visit (and, if you see something you like, there’s nothing stopping you from placing an order).

China Friend

Based in London, China Friend sees great results from organic (i.e. Google) searches and looking at their product pages, it’s easy to see why. They’ve got excellent photos, detailed descriptions, and include shipping details for the UK and elsewhere.

Amazing Vegan Bath Co

This company sells soaps, bath detoxes, and other wellness products, and each product is given the full photo and description experience. Great photos, wonderful descriptions of each offering, and it’s all supported by a really lovely page overall.

How Can You Make Your Products Better?

After you’ve gone through those pages, take a look at your own UENI page. See some things you could improve? Maybe you see that your descriptions could do with a little bit of attention – or maybe you don’t have product descriptions at all!

Remember: the amount of work you put into your product presentation is directly tied to how well your products will perform. If you have top-notch photos, great descriptions, and know how to successfully present your business online where you need to, you’re well on your way to business success.

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